Using Level 1 with Older Children This article will explain how Level One can
easily be used with children in 3rd to 6th grade by making some
minor modifications to the program.
To best understand this article, first click HERE to familiarize yourself with the components of Level One. Then, read the article below. READING
Level one has an annotated library list for
each of the 27 units. In addition to these books, have your
child learn to find and select books on their reading level on the topic
being studied for outlining and narration exercises. This
teaches them basic research skills which is an important foundation for
later years.
VOCABULARY: The vocabulary in Level One is very simple. Have your child find a set number of vocabulary words from their reading each week. This is simply finding a word or term that they don't know the meaning of. For example, when studying musles and bones, your child may run across such words as cartiledge, tendon, marrow, etc. Simply have them record the word and definition and file in section called 'vocabulary' in their science notebook. You decide how many words for them to add to their vocabulary each week. ANIMALS UNITS: You may want to group the animals into categories like the following:
When studying a group of
animals have your child also research the characteristics that all members
of that group have in common, like body parts, habitat, birthing
practices, etc. You can also assign subjects for reading that
branch off from the animals units. For example, when studying pandas
you could do research on endangered species. Also encourage your
child to study animals other than just those in the Level One Guide.
Here are some examples:
study different
species noting similarities and differences
FROGS - compare
toads to frogs
MAMMALS - divide into land mammals and water mammals and add to each category BIRDS - study flying birds versus nonflying birds (penguins, ostriches) POLAR WILDLIFE - add animals like polar bears, walruses, puffins etc HUMAN BODY AND PLANT UNITS: Many of the experiments in the human body and plants units will also be enjoyable for older children. Again, I recommend having your child select age appropriate reading material from the library for outlining and narration exercises. INTERNET LINKS AND VIDEOS
The internet links
and suggested videos will be great for older children. Kids these
days love finding 'cool stuff' on the internet. Use the information
on the internet as a springboard for making an entry in the science
notebook. Have your child download pictures to print and add to the
notebook, along with their written summary about what they saw and
learned on the internet site.
Animal World Human Body These books will provide you with a core text to be used for further study with older children. The text is written for children age 9 and older. Assign a two page spread each day for the child to summarize and file the summary in the science notebook. Do this at least twice a week. Working with these books will be fun for older children because they are internet linked and have images on almost every page that can be downloaded and printed to add to the science notebook. Here are some examples: (these pictures are much larger on the quicklinks website)
These pictures can be downloaded, printed
and included in the science notebook. Intsructions on how to do this are
in the books.
These three books
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